Friday, February 27, 2009

The waiting game

...its not fun when your job, career are on the line.

But its the game we play tonight. Until Monday, perhaps longer.

'A' London as we know it is about to change.

It will be sliced and diced. Reduced to something, anything, next to nothing.

Until the butchering we wait.

Wait, and wonder? Will we somehow weazel out of this mess?

Hey, wishful thinking never hurts.

What's coming surely will.


  1. Bumping in a creative field is a way for the less-talented to get ahead, Norm. It has no place in our industry, but alas, it's there . . .

    We're already dealing with our news here in Windsor the best we can. It's devastating.

    Enjoy your weekend. Monday will come soon enough. Hang in there.

  2. You're so right Michael...
    *sigh* Let the bumping game begin.

    Thinking of you and our friends down in Windsor Michael... Stay strong!
    Melissa Yee

  3. If your plan is to do more with less, wouldn't you want those aboard who can actually do...more??

    Just a thought.

  4. My thoughts exactly, Norm. Believe me, we all know who is capable of doing more, and conversely, who among us are more comfortable simply doing less.

    Unions protect the weak, frankly. Tell me exactly how our union has done anything for us in this regard? They are powerless when management wants to slash and purge, such as now. Good thing we paid all those dues . . .

    Incidentally, this is the second time in 14 months that a union has done nothing to prevent me from losing a job due to cutbacks. "Solidarity" sucks.

  5. Forgot to mention that I've started an online petition to try and somewhat officially gather up some of the support we are seeing in terms of Facebook groups and what not.

    You can see it here:

    Two Facebook groups started by viewers:

