Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What would we call it?

PSE Sports and Entertainment has no idea what a prospective NHL team in Hamilton would be called. If the process of re-location gets that far, the organization says it might leave the 'naming' issue to the fans, perhaps through a contest of some sort.

Jim Balsillie believes an NHL franchise in Hamilton would be profitable right away. Jerry Moyes' people in Phoenix project the Coyotes to lose $40 million per. For the NHL, this isn't about money or viability, its about pride and control. It's bad business and its the NHL's business.

According to Balsillie's reps: this isn't about individuals or personalities (ie Balsillie vs. Bettman), it's about fulfilling a dream (Balsillie's), the pursuit and achievement of a 7th NHL team in Canada.

The application for re-location of the Coyotes from Phoenix to Hamilton has been filed. Now we wait for the next interesting bit of news to come out of this on-going saga. We expect decisions in Phoenix by June 9th.

Personally (and looking ahead), I don't believe you can go with the name 'Hamilton' alone. The Ontario "something's" yes, OR even the Toronto 'blanks' of Hamilton. Hey, it works in baseball (LA Angels of Anaheim), Why not hockey?

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