Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So what? Who cares?

The Leafs beat the Panthers on the back of what should have been a disallowed goal.

So What?

Shit happens, for and against.

Officials blow calls almost every night. Repercussions... and concussions are felt. The world moves on.

What were the Leafs supposed to do? Protest their own victory? Yeah, just like the Dallas Stars did in 1999. A missed call contributed to their cup win, something they were so clearly disgusted by they went ahead with a parade anyway. And it was certainly nice of those 8 people to show up.

The Leafs got the two. It wasn't pretty. But the world evolves, and Thursday's tilt in Boston draws closer. Lamenting a shoddy win should be the last of the Buds' worries this morning. Catching another break in a place they'll certainly need it, now that's what I'd be hoping for.

BTW -- Anyone catch Howard Berger's latest? Imagine, a guy on drugs producing an award winner? Aaron Sorkin eat your heart out.

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