Friday, December 5, 2008

Intelligent Dallas Stars remove Avery from roster

Sean Avery is dangerous. Not only does he need to be removed from the NHL perhaps society could even benefit having someone like this hidden away? Just by watching him, and its not hard to find an attention hog like Avery, its clear the guy is a ticking time bomb. His play has always bordered on daring and dangerous, but his off-ice act is actually crossing the line. Avery's methodically laid out comments in Calgary demonstrated a complete lack of respect and regard for anyone or anything but his own sick ego. Had he not been suspended shortly after making his 'sloppy seconds' comment its almost certain he would've been ripped apart by the Flames later that night. His mouth almost doomed himself, the Calgary Flames, the NHL and the game of hockey. Ah, but here's the thing; just like Avery's big yap readied us for trouble ahead, so too will his insatiable need for attention.

We never usually get warnings in advance of a nutcase doing something drastic, but in the case of Avery, his ego is so large, loud and clumsy he's preempting anything stupid he might do by being well, stupid. Let Sean Avery's actions speak loud and clear: He's crazy. Now that the Dallas Stars have removed him from the roster Avery's hockey days could be numbered. Can you imagine this guy loose on the streets without hockey to calm his madness? Its a frighteningly real possibility. Look out, folks! Here comes Sean Avery. Don't say you weren't warned.

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